Throwing myself out there....
Update on what I've been up to....So this year I have been focusing on actively exhibiting my work locally.

My first experience was a pop gallery in Worthing, West Sussex where I was amongst 29 artists in the gallery.
A huge learning curve, great advice and feedback from fellow exhibitors, and with the added bonus of sales at the end of the day it was immensely inspiring and boosted my confidence no end. Love that people enjoyed my work so much they wanted it on their wall...

Next stop was Lindfield Arts Festival #LAF2018 in September 2018, where I achieved a long term ambition to do a 'Pictures and Poetry' exhibition...

I love the concept of combing the two and will be looking to explore this more over the next year hopefully working with other artists too....
And following on from the success of the Worthing pop up gallery I have been invited to participate again in the Christmas gallery in the Montague Quarter, Worthing from 31 Oct through to 30 Dec busy working on new works and hopefully will be adding some art along with the photography...