Featured Artist in Thrive ... Brighton
In November 2018 I was approached by Claire Griffiths, co-founder of Thrive, a Brighton based magazine which exclusively features female entrepreneurs and women in business from Brighton and beyond.
I was invited to be featured in the Create Section of Issue No 3.... I was surprised, shocked and over the moon... I have had images published in Sussex Life and Amateur Photographer in the past, but never been a featured artist... artbywigs is a hobby that is evolving into much more.
Issue 3 was published earlier in January 2019.... available online and in and around Brighton
Having been invited to participate I made my way back to issues 1 and 2 to have a read through.... the content was great and I definitely picked up a tip or two reading through the articles ... although my artbywigs journey is in its early days, these are probably the most important ones, defining a journey.
For any woman out there looking to start their own business be it like me to promote a hobby or to break away from the mainstream job market and go it alone, or even if you have a business already established this magazine is great...I am sure like me you will find it loaded with knowledge, advice and great tips for your venture.
I feel truly grateful and appreciative of the exposure Thrive has given me and my art....
Thank you Claire Griffiths and Lau Moracchini of Thrive.
some of the images selected for the feature;